About Me

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Hello there! I'm excited to introduce you to, well, me!

I'm Prateek, a student of Computer Science and much more.

The summary?

I've lived in multiple cities, attended 10 different schools and have been moving place to place. Not an army brat, just the son of an amazing businessman and entrepenueur. The one constant however, was my love for technology. (It is worth mentioning though, I bent the first MacBook I ever got. Long story, not the best story.)

I've been programming since I was 15. I've been in Canada since I was 18 (except for some time in the pandemic). I've been working out since I was 19. I've been writing since I was 21. I've been creating YouTube videos since I was 22. I've been learning, growing and truly living since I was born.

I'm excited to show you all the things outside of the code that make me who I am. I'm excited to show you the person behind the screen. I'm excited to show you me in this section of my website.


I started making YouTube videos as a creative outlet. I wanted to share my thoughts, my experiences and my journey with the world. My aim is to create a community of like-minded individuals who could learn, grow and laugh together. I want to build a space where people could be themselves, unapologetically, and that includes me.

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Drawing has been a creative outlet for me, a way to meditate almost. I started drawing when I was 9 because a friend of mine liked to draw. I vividly remember the first time my pen touched paper. A form I didn't recognize but felt familiar. It's evolved a lot since, but the feeling remains the same.

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ScholarSprint project logo
"The Ambigram"

Look at it upside down and go wow!

The idea for this drawing was prompted when I saw an ambigram for the first time. Took me a while to get it right.

ScholarSprint project logo
"The Flash"

Always been a fan of The Flash from the DC comics, and drawing a logo is the easiest way to make use of the flames art-style.

ScholarSprint project logo
"Sketching Stitch"

I rarely ever sketch, but the flames-style isn't one-size-fits-all. Yet.

I'm sure you know stitch, the alien. It wasn't directly inspired by the show, but the love one of my friends has for it.


I started writing to capture some of my thoughts in way that they can be shared. I'm a big believer of journaling, which includes written, video and audio journals. Writing blogs emerged as another type journaling for me, where I'm compelled to distill my thoughts into something that resonates with everyone.

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Health and Fitness

I used to be very overweight in 2020. I was 125 kgs (275 lbs) at 6'1". I started to have health complications and decided to change my life. I started working out, eating healthy and living a more active lifestyle. I lost 36 kgs (79 lbs) in 9 months. I've been working out ever since.

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